Who We Hire

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Counselors are the heart of Camp, living and working with campers in cabins and in activities. Counselors must be high energy! Counselors teach four periods daily, plus Adventure Period. Counselors eat meals with their campers, as well as plan and lead evening activities.

All staff members are encouraged to have current American Red Cross First Aid and CPR. Applicants must be at least 19 years of age unless they have participated in our CIT program.


In the summer camp setting, especially with younger campers, you will be the coolest and most popular person in the world. They will look up to you, hang on your every word, and even dress like you. This also means they will do what you do, say what you say, and act as you act. Are you able to be the role model and not get carried away with this popularity and let them know too much about you? If the answer is yes, then we are off to a good start.


At ADK we are all about taking care of each other. We depend on one another for support, encouragement, and consistency. What we do here does not work without being able to rely on our teammates. Can you consistently put yourself last to make sure that those around you are in a good place? If your answer is yes, then you are making good headway.


We ask our campers to get out of their comfort zones and challenge themselves on a daily basis. We ask our counselors to be the example that the campers follow. To be clear, you do not have to be the loudest and most magnetic person in the room, but we do want you to grow and push yourself to be the greatest leader you can be. If that means that you face your fear of canoeing, go canoeing. If you hate public speaking, get in front of the entire Camp after dinner and sing a song or share what you are passionate about. Are you able to challenge yourself and try your hardest, win or fail? If the answer is yes, you may like it here.


This job is HARD and we get TIRED as staff, as well we should. However, when you’re so tired that you can barely remember your name, can you find that reserve of energy we use to make Camp so special? Are you able to dance to that silly One Direction song that you hate because you know it will make your campers happy? Can you pretend to love the water at 9:35 in the morning when it’s 65 degrees? If your answer is yes, we are really starting to like you.